Mariana Machová studied English and Spanish at Charles University, Prague, where she also obtained her Ph.D. in English and American literature. She conducted research as a Fulbright Scholar at Boston University (2004/05). She was the head of the Department of Foreign Languages at Josef Škvorecký Literary Academy, Prague, and she also led workshops on poetry and translation at the University of Jyvaskylla (Finland). She did her post-doctoral research in American poetry at the Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, where she currently teaches American literature. Her main area of research is modern American poetry, poetics, and translation theory and practice. She is also a translator from English and Spanish into Czech. In her translations she focuses mostly on short stories, poetry, and essays (E. Bishop, M. Moore, J. M. Synge, Old English elegies, J. L. Borges, J. Cortázar, C. Guillén, O. Paz, J. Gelman, etc.). She is the author of Místa mezi místy (NLN, 2015), a book on borders and meetings with the other in the poetry of Marianne Moore, Elizabeth Bishop and Thom Gunn, which was submitted as her habilitation thesis. Her book Elizabeth Bishop and Translation (Lexington Books, 2017) examines the role of translation in the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop.
For her full bibliography see
Translations reviewed: